Teams – New capabilities are coming in to calling in Teams

Microsoft Teams calling capabilities are going to be improved as multiple updates are being deployed, which is expected to be started by mid December 2018 and completed by end of January 2019.

The below list details the new features going to be available once your tenant has been updated:

  • Shared Line Appearance – Handle multiple calls on a specific number called a shared number. This feature can configure any enterprise voice enabled user with a shared number with multiple lines to respond to multiple calls. A set of users can set themselves up for shared line appearance, by being in a delegation relationship, which can be set up via Teams client settings
  • Call Park – Place a call on hold in the cloud rather than on your phone, for you or someone else to retrieve from another endpoint in your organization using a unique code. This feature requires admin action to enable. You can enable this feature using PowerShell cmdlets and by setting the TeamsCallParkPolicy’s AllowCallPark Setting
  • Group Call Pickup – Users can answer incoming calls from their colleagues from their own phones. This increases the availability of a user’s line by enabling other users to answer an incoming call. A user can set up a call group using the Teams client call settings. A user in a call group can manage the notifications coming via group call using the Teams client notification settings
  • Location-Based Routing (In Preview) – LBR makes it possible to restrict the routing of calls between VoIP endpoints and PSTN endpoints based on the location of the parties in the call. It also enforces call authorization rules on whether or not calls can be routed to PBX or PSTN endpoints based on the caller’s geographic location. LBR requires administrator action to enable. You can enable this feature using PowerShell cmdlets and with the TeamsCallingPolicy’s PreventTollBypass setting

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