If you Teams for your meeting you are probably already aware about the Live Caption and Live Caption translation capabilities.
The Live Caption feature allows your participants to captions being displayed while in the meeting, with the the option to use a different language for the caption by changing the spoken language.
Well, the caption feature has been updated to allow meeting organizer(s) to use professional interpreters instead of the Teams generated.
The language interpretation feature is turned on by default but organizer will have to turn it on by accessing the meeting options and select the source and target language as well as the interpreters,
NOTE the Teams meeting policy must have the Live captions option enabled in Teams administration portal (https://admin.teams.microsoft.com/) – Meetings\Meeting policies\<policy>\Participants & guests\Live caption set to not enable but the user can override
The interpreter(s) must be added as meeting attendee and can only be defined for one source/target language association; if you need to have multiple source/target language translation you need invite additional interpreters to the meeting.