Teams – It is going to be easier to temporally unmute

Over the past 2 years or so, the infamous “you are on mute” has been the quote of the years Smile

Well, you obviously already know how to mute/unmute using the Mic button on the Teams client or the Ctrl+Shit+M shortcut, but sometime you want/need to be mute all time and then just talk a little bit and go back to mute (which is sometime was is being missed).

Well, you are going to be able to use a specific keys combination to unmute you for a bit and once you release the keys to automatically go back to  mute.

This feature is already available for those running preview client (see and

If you are not running the preview, it is expected to get the deployment starting late December and completed by January.

The keys combinations are:

  • For Windows client
    • Ctlr+Space
  • For MacOS client
    • Option+Space

Both keys must be pressed to unmute yourself.

To be able to use this, you need to ensure your Teams client settings has Keyboard shortcut to unmute turn on


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