As you know when you enable BitLocker with Intune you have the option (highly recommended by the way) to save the recovery key into Azure AD.
Well, when you have to get the recovery key for a device and you don’t know the device name (which may happen if you need the recovery during a startup) it is a little bit tricky to find the information you need.
Good new, you can now search the recovery key based on the BitLocker Key ID.
To search using the BitLocker Key ID, logon to your Azure AD portal ( and access the Azure Active Directory\Devices\BitLocker keys blade
There enter the BitLocker Key ID shown on the recovery screen, if the recovery key has been saved in AAD you will get the device name, the key ID, the option to get the recovery key and the drive(s) encrypted with BitLocker
Thank you. This helped
Thanks for sharing the way. Helped indeed