If you are running Skype for Business (either 2015 or 2019) on-premises you already know that sometime troubleshooting issues is a complicated tasks.
Well, Microsoft has released a new diagnostic/troubleshooting tool for Skype for Business running full on-premises or in hybrid configuration with Skype for Business Online/Teams.
This On-Premise Diagnostics (OPD) for Skype for Business Server will help troubleshooting the below scenarios (more to come in future releases):
- Contact List: User contact list is not available
- Federation: Federation is not working (On-Premises deployment and Hybrid deployment)
- Hybrid: IM and Presence problems between on premise and online users
- Services: Skype for Business Server Frontend service is not starting
First thing to do is to install OPD from the Github https://github.com/onpremdiag/sfbserver/releases and select the latest release (at the time of writing 1.1.2004.08003)
Then launch the OPD-console.ps1 PowerShell script.
You will be asked to accept the EULA and if you want to share the results of the analysis with Microsoft
Then you can choose the scenario you need to troubleshoot and investigate; you will need to refer to the list above
For this post I’m choosing the scenario 3 – Hybrid to troubleshoot presence issues between on-premises and online services.
Each scenario has his own sub-menu/options
Then once all the diagnostic scripts and process have been completed you will get the result with where could be the issue and actions to solve it
NOTE 1 if you use MFA to secure your online accounts, you may need to disable it for the account
NOTE 2 before hitting Enter as requested you need to copy/paste the result on a Notepad otherwise the results will be lost
You can provide feedback by sending an email to pop-sfbsupport@microsoft.com