Teams – You can now manage who can bypass the lobby

Microsoft Teams meeting policy has been updated to allow you to manage who can bypass the lobby.

You can update your existing (and/or default) meeting policies to define who can bypass the lobby, including dial-in users if required by accessing the Teams administration portal ( and reaching the Meetings\Meeting policies section


And then edit the policy you want to manage; the ‘bypass lobby’ option is available in the section Participants & Guests using the Automatically admit people setting and/or the Allow dial-in users to bypass the lobby

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As end-user, you can also manage it by accessing the Meeting options link (available at the bottom of your invitation),which then open a web browser to let you define the option

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Explanations for different options


What happens

Recommended when…

People in my organization

Only people in your org, including colleagues and guests who have different email domains than you do, can get into your meetings directly.

You want all external guests to wait in the lobby so you can approve them one by one.

People in my organization and trusted organizations

Only people in your Teams org and external guests from trusted organizations can get into your meetings directly.

You want some external guests to wait in the lobby so you can approve them one by one.


Anyone who has access to the meeting link gets into the meeting directly, including people who call in.

You don’t want anyone to wait in the lobby. You want everyone to be able to join your meetings without specific approval.

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