As you may already know, Exchange Online has been able to automatically create events in your calendar based on the email you have received – like airline booking confirmation or parcel delivery (by the way not all email can be used by the feature, see for more details)
Well, if you are using the new Outlook on the Web (aka Outlook Web Access) interface (which should be now the default, if not it will become soon), you will have more control on how the feature will act depending of the email received, all depending of the email type (booking, parcel delivery…). For each you can define if the feature:
- Show event summaries in email and calendar
- Show event summaries only in calendar
- or do not show any summaries
To define it, connect to your mailbox using Outlook on the Web – you may have to switch to the new UI (see – and open the Settings menu using the Gear button, click on the View all Outlook settings link (available at the bottom) and go to Calendar\Events from email