Azure – You can now use Azure Monitor to get alerts for Azure Backup

Azure Backup allows you to backup workloads (virtual machines, file shares, SQL) hosted either in Azure or on-premises.

It is important for administrators to be aware on what’s gong on with their backup and Azure Backup had a built-in alert capability.

Well, this alert capability has been updated and now uses Azure Monitor alerting.

If you were using the classic alerts solution for Recovery Services vaults, it is highly recommended to migrate to use Azure Monitor alerting capabilities.

Migrating to Azure Monitor alerting capabilities allows you to:

  • Configure notifications to a wide range of notification channels: Azure Monitor supports a wide range of notification channels, such as email, ITSM, webhooks, logic apps, and so on. You can configure notifications for backup alerts to any of these channels without investing much time in creating custom integrations
  • Enable notifications for selective scenarios: With Azure Monitor alerts, you can choose the scenarios to be notified about. Also, you can enable notifications for test subscriptions
  • Monitor alerts at-scale via Backup center: In addition to enabling you to manage the alerts from Azure Monitor dashboard, Azure Backup also provides an alert management experience tailored to backups via Backup center. This allows you to filter alerts by backup specific properties, such as workload type, vault location, and so on, and a way to get quick visibility into the active backup security alerts that need attention
  • Manage alerts and notifications programmatically: You can use Azure Monitor’s REST APIs to manage alerts and notifications via non-portal clients as well
  • Consistent alert management for multiple Azure services, including backup: Azure Monitor is the native service for monitoring resources across Azure. With the integration of Azure Backup with Azure Monitor, you can manage backup alerts in the same way as alerts for other Azure services, without requiring a separate learning curve

To migrate to Azure Monitor alerting, connect to your Azure portal ( and access the Backup Center (the new central location to manage Recovery Vaults)


Once there, in the Overview blade you will see a notification telling you you are using XX vaults using classic alerts


Just click on the link Click here to take action


This will redirect you to the new Alert creation and management blade for Azure Backup


You just then need to create a new alert which will use Azure Monitor alerting capabilities


Once done you will need to go back to the “Click here to take action” blade to opt-out of the classic alerts for Azure Backup by using the Manage alerts button to select the recovery vault(s) you want to opt-out for classic alert and choose Update (I had to switch back to Azure theme as the text in Dark mode is not visible)

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When hitting the update button an additional blade will be shown to let you enable to use only Azure Monitor alerts


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