Intune – You can now assign Windows Autopilot profile to already registered clients

As you may already know Windows Autopilot simplifies Windows 10 device enrollment to Azure Active Directory (AAD) and providing seamless user experience.

One of the problem with Windows Autopilot was if your already have Windows 10 devices registered to your Azure AD, you were not able to assign an Autopilot profile.

With the latest update on Intune, you can now update your Autopilot policy to apply the policy also on these devices and make them ‘Autopilot managed’.

To do so connect to your Azure portal and reach out your Intune configuration blade


Then go to the Device enrollment section and then Windows enrollment\Deployment Profiles


Create or edit your policy and enable the Convert all targeted devices to Autopilot


Then it can take up to 48 hours to get the process completed.

You can check if the device got the Autopilot profile applied by accessing the Device section and then search for the device and check his status


After this period, next time the device is reset and/or unenrolled, Autopilot will provision it.

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