Office 365 – IM federation

The next version of Microsoft Online, called Office 365, is offering mail, IM and collaboration services based on Exchange 2010, SharePoint 2010 and Lync.

If you want to use IM federation, with partners and/or public IM services, you had to enable it.

By default IM federation is disabled on Office 365.

To enable IM Federation, log on to the Office 365 portal with an administrator account and go the administration service (Admin tab on top of the window)


Then click on the Lync link available at the Services level


Then you access to the Lynch Online Control Panel


If you want to enable public federation, you have to first enable domain federation

To enable domain federation, click on the link Domain federation and enable it by clicking on the Edit button


Manage the type of federation you want to enable:

  • Allow federation with all domains except those I block; will allow federation to all other domain until you set the domain as not allowed
  • Block federation with all domains except those I allow; the opposite of the first option
  • Disable federation; if you already enabled federation and want to disable it


Then, if you want to enable public federation (such as with Live Messenger, Yahoo Messenger…) click on the Public IM link and click on the Enable button


You have to confirm public federation activation. This option can generate some security issue (such as receiving instant messaging or file for people using public IM system and may cause virus or malware issue)


NOTE public federation may take up to one day to be completed.

Once federation has been enabled, federation functionalities are available for all users. If you want to allow some user to use federation, you have to edit their option.

To edit user options, click on the link User Information


Select the user you want to edit IM/Federation option and click on the Edit user link on top of the user list


Then manage the options you want to allow/disallow for this/these user(s) by checking/unchecking the checkbox and click on the Next button


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