Yammer – You can now ‘post on behalf’

As you know, Yammer has been the enterprise social network from Microsoft, integrated with Office 365, for years.

While there has not been much updates on Yammer over the past few years, there is one which can be useful: you now delegate to other users to post on your behalf.

There is 2 types of delegation:

  • Delegate manager which can post on behalf of the other user, and add or remove other delegates on behalf of the other user.
  • Delegate which can post on behalf of the other user, but cannot add or remove other delegates on behalf of the other user.

NOTE there is a limit of 20 delegates

If you want to enjoy this new feature, connect to your Yammer network (https://web.yammer.com/) and access your settings menu (the gear button available top right of the window) to select Manage delegate settings


Then you can manage who will be your delegate with their corresponding delegation type


When you add a delegate, you delegates receive a notification letting them know you have added them as delegate with their corresponding permissions


When they connect to Yammer and access their settings, they also will see their delegation permissions


Once you have delegated, the delegates can then post on your behalf but not react (like, thanks…) by using the Post as option available on top of the conversation window


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