Windows – Still handful of outdated Windows version out there

An analysis from NetMarketShare ( shows that there is still quite a few devices still running outdated Windows version, including the long time retired Windows XP (still 0.87%).

imageThese devices (from Windows XP to Windows 7 – out of support since January 2020) are in high risk of being targeted and/or infected by malware as they do not receive any more updates and don’t have the latest security capabilities to be protected.

If you evaluate the percentage of devices running an outdated (or close to) Windows version – from XP to Windows 8 (still supported until January 2023), there is about 25% of devices not properly secure.

Knowing Microsoft has been providing (and is still providing for some time – no official information to detail until when while it was supposed to end by July 2016) a free upgrade to Windows 10, this is quite concerning.

Let’s go gents, if you are still running any of these outdated Windows version,  please grab your Windows 10 version here

More information about the free upgrade to Windows 10 here

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