Azure – You can now visualize your Azure resources when exporting as a template

If you are working with ARM templates to deploy Azure resources, this one is going to interest you as it is going to allow

Fyou to visualize all dependencies related to your template.

To be able to visualize the dependencies of the resource you are going to deploy in Azure, you need to connect to the Azure preview portal (this work also with resources already deployed by the way).

Then you can start deploying a new resource (or access an already deployed one); when you deploy a new resource, before starting the deployment click on Download a template for automation at the end of the configuration wizard


If you are are looking for already deployed resources, go to the Export Templates section


Then from the Export Template blade you will see a new option called Visualize template which is going to display all dependencies associated with the resource you are deploying/have already deployed

image  image

From this visualization blade, you can then view labels for each dependency, change the view or export as a PNG file.

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