Azure – An updated interface for Azure AD Roles management

The Azure Active Directory Roles configuration blade has been updated to provide more details and management option for Azure AD Roles.

Connect to your Azure administration portal ( or Azure AD administration portal ( and reach out your Azure Active Directory blade

image or image

Then reach out the Roles and administrators blade


At first sight it does not seems to had some changes but it has been updated; first, if you look at the top you will see your roles and if you click the Your Role link you will get the list of all roles you have been assigned.

This gives you a quicker access to your roles assignments, rather than going through the user list and looking for your account.


Next is you are getting more details about the role; if you click on one role you will get a more detailed description as well as the associated permissions

To get these information, just click on one role and then reach out to the Description blade. The permissions list is quite detailed as you have the ‘full English’ (or what ever is your language) explanation AND programmatic path


As before you also still have access to the members list of the selected role; however you also now have the option to go directly from there to the Azure Privileged Identity Management (PIM)


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