Office 365 – Trust and Compliance Center

Regulatory compliance and business risks management are becoming more and more important; particularly when you use cloud services like AWS or Office 365.

To make your risk manager or compliance officer a better life, Microsoft is now delivering a dedicated portal called Office 365 Service Trust Portal.

This portal will give relevant compliance reports for YOUR tenant – which is not the case if you look at the public website (Office 365 Trust Center, Azure Trust Center or Intune Trust Center). Those sites give very good security and compliance information at a high level but may not apply to your specific industry or country.

How can I get those compliance report? The answer is simple Smile :

  • As your company administrator(s) to logon to
  • Then the administrator has to select the country/countries and the industry of your company


  • Once done, they can grant access to your compliance/risk manager(s) to the portal



Then they will have access to appropriate compliance reports which apply to your industry/industries and country/countries


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