Exchange / Office 365 – Hybrid configuration or Exchange 2013 CU 3 failed with error

Recently, I tried to deployed the latest cumulative update release for Exchange 2013 as well as implement hybrid configuration with my Office 365 which was finally fully upgraded – I say fully upgraded because even after receiving the notification of my tenant has been upgraded to latest version there was still a component running on older version, I mean FOPE.

After raising a service request to Office 365 support and fight a lot, I finally get FOPE upgraded; but this is not the point of this post.

Just after that I wanted to implement hybrid configuration between my Exchange 2013 On Premises and my Office 365 tenant. Off course I had prepare everything to get smooth implementation (I mean a public certificate for my on premises).

Unfortunately, when I tried to implement this hybrid configuration I quickly ran to a strange issue: hybrid configuration wizard quickly failed after starting the implementation with the following error Property Enabled can‎’t be set on this object because it requires the object to have version 0.10 ‎(‎ or later. The object‎’s current version is 0.0 ‎(6.5.6500.0).

Complete error message

The wizard did not complete successfully. Please see the list below for error details.

Updating hybrid configuration failed with error ‎’Subtask Configure execution failed: Configure Organization Relationship Execution of the Set-FederatedOrganizationIdentifier cmdlet has thrown an exception. This may indicate invalid parameters in your hybrid configuration settings. Property Enabled can‎’t be set on this object because it requires the object to have version 0.10 ‎(‎ or later. The object‎’s current version is 0.0 ‎(6.5.6500.0)‎. at Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Hybrid.RemotePowershellSession.RunCommand‎(String cmdlet, SessionParameters parameters, Boolean ignoreNotFoundErrors)‎ ‎’. Additional troubleshooting information is available in the Update-HybridConfiguration log file on server

At the same time, the Exchange Product Group released the latest cumulative update – CU 3 – which also failed to install with the same error.

Strangely, CU 2 has been installed successfully.

Luckily, I had my service request to Office 365 support was still open and they were able to assist me by involving the Exchange support.

Microsoft Exchange support engineer asked me to check the value of the msExchVersion attribute for the Federation container

  • Open ADSIEdit
  • Connect to the Configuration naming context
  • Browse to reach CN=Federation,CN<Exchange Organization Name>,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=<Domain Name>,DC=<Domain Extension>
  • Right click on Federation and locate the msExchVersion

In my case, this attribute had no value. So, I have been asked to enter the following value 44220983382016.

After setting the value, I have been able to complete the hybrid configuration as well as the installation of the CU 3.

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