With Office 2013, Microsoft has introduced a new way to provide add-on for Office client as well as for Exchange Web Access or SharePoint; this way is called Apps.
So, with Exchange 2013, you may want to enable some apps by default to all of your users, instead of teaching them how to enable these.
From an Exchange Server 2013:
- open EMS (Exchange Management Shell) and run Get-app | fl appid,displayname (this will get you all Apps installed by Exchange administrators [through ECP] and provide the appid (you will need it), the display name of the apps (to easily find the correct app to enable)
- then once you have located the app you want to enable for all users, get the appid and run Set-App -OrganizationApp –Identity <appid> -Enabled:$true -DefaultStateForUser:Enabled
This is it; the app is now enabled by default to all of your users, whatever they connect using OWA or using Outlook 2013.
Here are some details about the –DefaultStateForUser parameter:
- DefaultStateForUser:Enabled This app will show up to end users as enabled by default. End users have the ability to turn it off for themselves
- DefaultStateForUser:Disabled This app will show up to end users as disabled by default. End users have the ability to turn it off for themselves
- DefaultStateForUser:AlwaysEnabled This app will show up to end users as enabled, and end users do not have the ability to turn it off for themselves