If you work with Intune, there is time when you may need to export or import devices configuration profiles – such as for backup or reuse existing profiles in a different tenant.
Until now, to do such thing you had to use the Intune PowerShell module to export configuration profiles.
Well, good news as now you can export and import directly from the Intune management portal.
This capability applies only for Windows Settings Catalog profile.
To do so, connect to your Intune portal (https://intune.microsoft.com/) to access the Devices\Windows\Configuration Profiles blade.
There, locate the Setting Catalog profile you want to export and open the ellipsis (you know the 3 dot …) to Export JSON
If you want to import an existing JSON profile, open the Create menu to select Import Policy
During the import process, you can set a new name for the policy.
Assignments are not copied.