Azure Virtual Desktop/Intune – You can now auto-configure the AVD Remote Desktop Client

As you know, Azure Virtual Desktop (aka AVD, aka Windows Virtual Desktop) is the Microsoft solution to securely provide virtualized remote desktop virtualized on Azure.

To connect to an AVD session you need to use the remote desktop client (available here and then get your end-users to subscribe to a workspace.

Well, good news as this process can now be simplified by managing it with Intune/Endpoint Configuration Manager.

To do this, connect to your Intune portal ( to create a device configuration profile (for Windows) by accessing the Devices\Windows\Configuration profiles blade


Then create a new profile and select the Settings catalog for Windows 10 and later


After naming your profile, click on Add settings and search for autosubscription, then select Remote Desktop and check the Auto-subscription setting


Now, you need to add the AVD discovery URL:


Complete the device profile creation to assign it to your users or groups (recommended) using AVD.

That’s it, next time your users will sign in to the AVD remote desktop client they will get automatically subscribed to the workspace.

3 thoughts on “Azure Virtual Desktop/Intune – You can now auto-configure the AVD Remote Desktop Client”

  1. Dear Benoit,
    Please advice how I can implement this in my environment. We do not have Endpoint manager.
    I am hoping for a regedit or PowerShell solution.
    We are running a windows remote client on a (Windows 10 IoT embedded) Win 10IotE OS.

    With many thanks,

    1. Hi there
      The registry key is a string called AutoSubscription, located under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\Terminal Services
      You just need to add the value

  2. Thank you for the suggestion. I added the key manually to the hkcu\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\Terminal Services and the system is not bypassing the “subscribe” page. It still requires me to click subscribe. It is not saving the feed discovery URL. Please advice if I am missing anything.

    Thanks a lot

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