A new Azure PowerShell modules (Az) (version 3.0) has been released and is available for download either using MSI packages or Install-Module command
- x86 MSI package: https://github.com/Azure/azure-powershell/releases/download/v3.0.0-November2019/Az-Cmdlets-
- x64 MSI package: https://github.com/Azure/azure-powershell/releases/download/v3.0.0-November2019/Az-Cmdlets-
- Install-Module command:
Install-Module -Name Az -Repository PSGallery –Force
Update-Module -Name Az (if already had Az PowerShell module installed)
As this is a new major version there could be some break change; you can check the migration guide available here https://github.com/Azure/azure-powershell/blob/master/documentation/migration-guides/Az.3.0.0-migration-guide.md
There are lot of new and improved commands with this version (Az.PrivateDNS, Az.Batch, Az.Compute, Az.DataLakeStore (with a new ADLS DSK https://github.com/Azure/azure-data-lake-store-net/blob/preview-alpha/CHANGELOG.md#version-123-alpha), Az-HDInsight, Az.RecoveryServices, Az.Network….)